Women of the Resistance

A project sustained by the European “Europe for Citizens” programme and realized by 6 cultural organization from three countries: Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.

“Women of the resistance” is a project started with the discovery of the diary of Maria Antonietta Moro, a partisan borned on the Italian-Slovenian border who fought for the liberation from the nazi and fascist troops, firstly along the lines of Jugoslav partisans and then Italians.

The project wants the audience to think about and meditate on the importance of women’s resistance for social change and for the values we share today as European citizens. Without their contribution, our present would be much different from from what we know.

Through this initiative, we pointed out how much was difficult for women to choose to react, what means for a woman to be resistant today, but also the important values that the women of the resistance have left to the younger generations.

We have built a net of associations around the project, that worked with us exchanging information and materials, with the aim of disseminating an awareness about values origins that today are the basis of an European active citizenship.

We have realized:
– more than 60 laboratories in high schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Croatia
– a call for essays and short films on “Women of the resistance”
– an historical path “Retracing the steps of the women of the resistance in Trieste”, the presentation of the documentary about the discovery of Maria Antonietta Moro’s diary, the award ceremony for the best short films at the Teatro Miela (Trieste)
– a conference about the women of the resistance in Udine

Our partners

Associazione Culturale “La Giordola”
Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Regione Istriana